Inspiration Mondays on a Tuesday: Ariel and Learning to Fly

Since the hubby is an amateur pilot, we watch a lot of flying shows: Ice Pilots NWT, Mayday, and Flying Wild Alaska.

I didn't think I'd enjoy watching Flying Wild Alaska (since Ice Pilots seems to be bleeped out almost half the time with all the profanity), but I really, really enjoy it. I especially enjoy watching Ariel Tweto and her quest to learn to fly.

Initially, I thought she was a bit of a goofball... in fact, she still is a goofball. What she's got on her side is that she is loveable as heck, adventurous, fun, and doesn't give up on what she wants. Those are qualities I don't have at 100%.

So, she's learning to fly. It looked like it was going to be a bust. Too floofy, too distracted. I felt sorry for her. I was sure she'd fail in front of everyone on TV.

But she's doing it.

That proves that the "pretty little goofy thing" has a lot more to her than you think. Well heck, if that's not inspiring, I don't know what is.

Good luck, Ariel. Keep up the great work.

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