Whoa, I Think I Felt Some Knitting Happen
It's amazing what happens when you get hands off a keyboard and onto some knitting needles. For weeks now, I've spent my evenings mindlessly wandering around the internet for diversions... scrolling through my Facebook feed, Twitter feed, G+ stream, browsing through Etsy for things I like but don't really need, snagging friends online to chat with them... Entertaining, but not especially productive.
Last night, the hubby recommended we find a movie to watch, so we downloaded Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy from YouTube (which was terrible, by the way). Since we watched it using the laptop attached to the tv, I couldn't do my usual mindless wandering. And so (how about this for a novel idea), I picked up my current project and knitted. Whoa. Knitting. Wow.
This afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with Rascal. He hasn't been feeling too well over the past couple of days since we went in for his yearly vaccinations and deworming. It was too warm to go out to do any gardening, so then... I knitted some more. Yowza.
And, since I was on a roll, I got out some spinning and stood out on the deck with it and spun a few feet. I had a coffee. I tanned my sandal-tanned feet.
But I didn't play around online. I did stuff. Whoa. Again.
So, now I'm sitting here, typing out a blogpost and wondering what I'll get up to next. I might spin some more. I might start another project. I might make some scones.
Or, I might head over the Etsy and buy myself some handmade soap.
I never said I'd stop... it's just amazing what happens when I do!
Last night, the hubby recommended we find a movie to watch, so we downloaded Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy from YouTube (which was terrible, by the way). Since we watched it using the laptop attached to the tv, I couldn't do my usual mindless wandering. And so (how about this for a novel idea), I picked up my current project and knitted. Whoa. Knitting. Wow.
This afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with Rascal. He hasn't been feeling too well over the past couple of days since we went in for his yearly vaccinations and deworming. It was too warm to go out to do any gardening, so then... I knitted some more. Yowza.
And I actually finished something... my Butternut Scarf in Hempathy. I pinned it out to block and put it outside to dry in the sunshine (ignore the bad pinning job on the right... I fixed it later). It was so weird to actually have something done for a change.
And, since I was on a roll, I got out some spinning and stood out on the deck with it and spun a few feet. I had a coffee. I tanned my sandal-tanned feet.
Then, there was no stopping me after that. I pulled a few weeds, then I planted another batch of peas in a shady corner. I cleaned the bathrooms. I tidied the yard. I even posed under a tree to take pictures of my new haircut.
But I didn't play around online. I did stuff. Whoa. Again.
So, now I'm sitting here, typing out a blogpost and wondering what I'll get up to next. I might spin some more. I might start another project. I might make some scones.
Or, I might head over the Etsy and buy myself some handmade soap.
I never said I'd stop... it's just amazing what happens when I do!
I gave up Facebook for a time and it is amazing how much you don't miss it. Well I don't at least.
Keep on knitting I love to see your work.